Sunday 14 April 2013

Relational Aesthetics

"A set of artistic practices which take as their theoretical and practical point of departure the whole of human relations and their social context, rather than an independent and private space." The artist can be more accurately viewed as the "catalyst" in relational art, rather than being at the centre.

After reading and understand relational Aesthetics, I think it is defiantly something I want to explore through out my theme of social interaction. I think the idea of using the art as a catalyst is something which would be really interesting and exciting to look in further. I also think this links strongly with my ideas of doing a performance piece of work, like Yoko Ono. I would hope to use my art piece as a catalyst to break down barriers between people. I hope I can achieve this to some level in my final outcome, I think through performance art is a very effective way of doing so. I also would like my piece to be set in a social context, I think this would defiantly lead to more social interaction between people. 

1 comment:

  1. Please explain what this post is for- is this what you are interested in exploring? Also research 'Happenings' as this is an area which I think would be interesting for you. I think the concept of the artist as a facilitator is good however I also know that you are considering performance art. I would like to see that you really know about these genres to help your ideas develop.
