Tuesday 19 March 2013

Balham Triangle

The Balham Triangle Project was about picking a square from the triangle shaped grid of Balham and exploring this area in complete depth. As my theme is social interaction I chose the train station.

The first time I went there, I just sat and draw people as they where leaving the platforms and walking through the barriers. Here I was most succesful in creating interaction even through it wasn't interional. As I sat and drew people came up to me and asked what I was doing, asking about my art and wondering about derections. I found this very interesting and exciting so it lead me to go back and do it again however this time film as much of it as I could to document the ineraction. However this was unsussful and it was eariler in the day people just rush pasted me and did not want to interact at all.

After looking at artist such as Yoko Ono and listening to her talk about her work, and seeing how her being part of the work is what create interaction gave me the idea to ask people questions and film their responce. This would lead them to ineract with and maybe with other people on the platform. I tried this over the course of three days at different times of the day and over all only one women lets me film my conversation with her and two men let me talk to them but did not want it to be filmed. From the footage I did collect I created a short film.

Depending on your computer, the video may not play. If not please click on the link below to watch it on Vimeo

1 comment:

  1. - Make sure you refine this post. Upload the video to vimeo so that the link works easier.
